Scientific revolution

  1. 3. When the scientific revolution ended
  2. 8. someone who acelled in astronomy and made accurate observations of the stars and planets
  3. 9. The person who discovered The planets orbit the sun in elliptical not circular orbit
  4. 10. The study of space
  5. 12. The series of events that led to the birth of modern science
  1. 1. A step by step method for preforming experiments and other scientific research
  2. 2. The amount of years the scientific revolution lasted
  3. 3. When the scientific revolution sterted
  4. 4. people who look at the world in a rational, reasonable or logical way
  5. 5. A way of gaining knowlage about the world
  6. 6. One of the greatest and most influential scientist to ever live
  7. 7. the molocule inside the cell that contians the genetic information responible for the developments of an organism
  8. 10. The forerunner of chemestry( the action of combining elemsts) (Sir isac newton is know for doing this)
  9. 11. The name for a scientific prediction or thought