Scientific Revolution

  1. 5. notebook of observations
  2. 6. a model, the sun is at the center of the universe
  3. 7. a theory,reason is the source of all knowledge
  4. 8. period referring to dawn of art and literature
  5. 9. a work, overview of mathematical astronomy
  6. 11. reasoning from general to specific
  7. 12. English philosopher and empiricist
  8. 14. known as (father of rationalism)
  1. 1. reasoning from specific to general
  2. 2. famous theory or Aristotle
  3. 3. Greek astronomer, mathematician, geographer
  4. 4. Polish astronomer and mathematician
  5. 10. a process, science as a multiple-step process
  6. 13. a model, Earth is at the center of the universe
  7. 15. a belief, experience is the only true source of knowledge