Scientific Revolution

  1. 1. A Greek astronomer, introduced geocentric model
  2. 4. A Polish astronomer, wrote Commentariolus
  3. 5. A German astronomer, theorized the three laws of planetary motion
  4. 6. A philosophy, knowledge comes from reason
  5. 9. Type of reasoning,comes to general conclusion from specific facts.
  6. 12. A method,used to understand the physical universe
  7. 13. Type of reasoning which goes from general to specific
  8. 14. A model, shows Earth is in the center
  9. 15. A Danish astronomer, built Uraniburg observatory
  1. 2. A philosophy, knowledge comes from experience
  2. 3. An English philosopher, introduced inductive reasoning
  3. 7. A period during the Middle Ages, modern science emerged
  4. 8. A factor, impetus to the scientific revolution
  5. 10. A Greek philosopher, introduced gravity
  6. 11. A model, shows the Sun is in the center