Scientists Who Selfie Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. she cured leprosy
  2. 4. she SHOULD have won a Nobel Prize for her contributions to the study of DNA
  3. 9. she won the Willams Bowie Medal
  4. 10. she is a really important ophthalmologist whose work helped cure some types of blindness
  5. 15. known for playing her favourite instrument, the flute, in space
  6. 17. English physicist who studied black holes
  7. 19. helped the world figure out why the ocean is blue
  8. 21. she is trying to get the world to protect chimpanzees
  9. 23. we can thank him for the Periodic Table
  10. 24. she won a Nobel Prize in chemistry
  11. 25. her images of the first coronavirus are still helping scientists figure out today's Covid 19
  12. 27. born in Iran he earned the Einstein Award
  13. 28. this scientist studied dark matter
  14. 29. not just an astronaut this scientist is also a businesswoman and doctor!
  15. 30. proved sharks can be trained
  1. 1. an inventor and actress
  2. 3. this Saudi scientist is known for her breakthroughs in cancer research
  3. 5. he uses television and movies to teach us about the natural world
  4. 6. there would be no cell phones today without this guy's invention
  5. 7. often told she was wrong she helped map the ocean floor
  6. 8. an English biologist who helped us understand that plants and animals change over time in response to their environment
  7. 11. dinosaur expert
  8. 12. born in Germany and his branch of science was physics
  9. 13. she helped prove how using pesticides harms the environment
  10. 14. we know a lot more about hurricanes and storm systems thanks to her scientific research
  11. 16. an inventor and agricultural scientist know for his work with peanuts
  12. 18. often called "the mother of physics"
  13. 20. we know a lot more about rainforests because of her scientific discoveries
  14. 22. the first computer programmer
  15. 26. he discovered some pretty incredible things about bees and other insects