
  1. 2. major contribution was his theory on atoms.
  2. 6. discovered the first complete specimen of a plesiosaur; deduced the diets of dinosaurs.
  3. 10. Invented experimental design; devised the statistical concept of variance; unified evolution by natural selection with Mendel’s rules of inheritance defining the new field of population genetics.
  4. 11. he explained photoelectric effect, in which he proposed the existence of discrete energy packets during the transmission of light.
  5. 12. Founded the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics, calculated pi precisely, devised the law of exponents, created new geometrical proofs, invented numerous ingenious mechanical devices and more.
  1. 1. A founding father of the USA, he shaped our understanding of electricity, coined the electrical terms positive and negative, and invented the lightning rod and bifocal spectacles.
  2. 3. Codiscovered the chemical elements radium and polonium; made numerous pioneering contributions to the study of radioactive elements; carried out the first research into the treatment of tumors with radiation.
  3. 4. an English physicist and a Nobel Laureate in Physics, is credited and honoured with the discovery of the electron, which was the first subatomic particles to be discovered.
  4. 5. A founder of 20th century environmentalism, her book Silent Spring led to a reappraisal of the effect of chemicals such as DDT on the environment, leading to bans and heavy restrictions.
  5. 7. A genius whose philosophical ideas are still taught, but whose contributions to science retarded progress for almost two millennia.
  6. 8. the first person in history to recognize that our planet is free in space and does not need to sit on something.
  7. 9. a British physicist, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1935 for his discovery of the neutron.