
  1. 2. mentioned by H.G wells.
  2. 3. created by columbia university
  3. 6. invented by simon lake
  4. 7. Cars with “robot brains” would be a central feature of the 2014 World’s Fair
  5. 8. subsequent 1968 film “Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang: The Magical Car.”
  6. 10. got the idea from the tv show star trek
  7. 12. created by china
  8. 14. inspired by a star wars scene
  9. 15. invented by jack cover
  10. 16. inspired by a Ray bradbury novel
  1. 1. creator Chester Gould gave his detective a two-way wrist radio
  2. 4. first launched march 16,1926
  3. 5. coined by Karel Capek in 1920
  4. 9. Credit goes to Stanley G. Weinbaum
  5. 11. inspired by a verne book
  6. 13. for military purpose