Scrabble Love

  1. 3. Seeing electricity
  2. 9. Kristin thought that she’d never date one of these.
  3. 11. Better than a Lamborghini.
  4. 12. Strange tail originate for this fantasy land
  5. 13. One of the best places on earth.
  6. 15. Bob felt that Kristin did what with her Christmas gift to him?
  7. 17. She is____
  8. 23. Arms are flailing and Bob gets goofy eyed
  9. 24. Bob has this affliction
  10. 26. Something pleasant
  11. 28. In and amazing display of love Bob stated that he love Kristin more than this beverage.
  12. 29. Grace is less of this than Agopian
  13. 31. A process that Bob has undergone?
  14. 33. What! Who gave him this?
  15. 34. One may hear this blurted out in a Turrets like manner
  16. 35. What does Kristin wear to work?
  17. 36. Bob has been in this State before but not as deep.
  1. 1. Bob’s Kristin’s first.
  2. 2. Name for cool Kristin
  3. 4. He’s doing what with her now! Geez he’s so whipped.
  4. 5. Nothing in the natural world is as beautiful to Bob as…
  5. 6. Pilates (e.g.)
  6. 7. Kristin’s first trip with a boyfriend was here
  7. 8. Bobs fowl affection for Kristin
  8. 10. Celebrity sighting-
  9. 13. surprise for Kristin in Mendocino
  10. 14. What does Kristin not trust Bob to do?
  11. 16. A phrase that Bob tells Kristin all the time that he hopes she’ll never tire off.
  12. 18. He makes messes because of this.
  13. 19. An educated desert
  14. 20. Fun hoofing rollercoaster
  15. 21. Bob’s Competition
  16. 22. She looks a bit goofy eyed, she must be…
  17. 24. Mario Andretti’s competition
  18. 25. Place of Bob and Kristi’s first date
  19. 27. Bob may get these if he says or does something wrong
  20. 30. Water does this same thing to the wicked Witch as Kristin does to Bob.
  21. 32. One thing Bob does to cause harm to himself