Scramble for Africa

  1. 3. One of the natural disasters to hit Africa
  2. 7. Natural resources
  3. 8. Africa is a magnificent cake
  4. 10. A group of countries ruled by a single government
  5. 13. Something which is left behind long after people have gone
  6. 15. "Water"
  7. 16. Spreading the word of God to all parts of the world
  8. 17. When bigger nations take other smaller countries in other parts of the world
  9. 18. Ruled the west coast of Africa before the arrival of Europeans
  10. 19. A cure for malaria
  1. 1. Colonised countries in North Africa
  2. 2. Colonised most of Southern Africa
  3. 4. Maji-Maji
  4. 5. Wanting your country to be the biggest and best country in the world
  5. 6. Prime minister of Germany 1870
  6. 9. Crops that are grown to be sold for profit
  7. 11. A powerful new machine gun
  8. 12. Resistance to a disease
  9. 14. Widespread out break of an infectious disease