SCRMC 2020 Safety Module

  1. 1. a verbal or phone order is to be
  2. 6. lead the list healthcare associated conditions for patients, guest, and staff
  3. 7. No Known Allergies
  4. 9. Braden score of 15 or less automatically generates a
  5. 10. Name and DOB
  6. 11. scanning the patient's armband & the medicines AT
  7. 14. to identify what the risks are
  8. 16. Healthcare-Associated infections
  9. 17. Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection
  10. 20. #1 priority after a fall
  11. 21. Our Culture of Safety depends upon:
  12. 23. is responsible for fall prevention
  13. 25. nurses will be notified by lab personnel by phone
  1. 2. alert users about malfunctions, misconnections, patient status and more
  2. 3. Advanced Practice Nurse
  3. 4. Surgical Site Infection
  4. 5. Decreases the spread of germs
  5. 6. Indicator for patients at risk for falls
  6. 8. communication between team members, improves patient safety
  7. 11. an acronym used to help nurses remember the high alert medications
  8. 12. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
  9. 13. the last resort for violent or non violet behavior
  10. 15. Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services
  11. 18. Pulmonary Emboli
  12. 19. Physician's Assistant
  13. 22. Columbia Suicude Severity Rating Scale
  14. 24. Venous Thromboembolism