- 6. One of the most common HAI's.
- 7. Never to be turned off.
- 10. Patients can be allergic to this type of glove.
- 11. These type of threats exist in health care.
- 14. What is the purpose for exchanging information?
- 15. What should never be forgotten in SBAR?
- 16. Another name for the catheter tube.
- 19. Our cultural safety depends upon this.
- 21. At this time, a complete list of all medicines to be continued is generated.
- 23. A patient's bed needs to have some degree of..
- 24. Name bands and ID are known as..
- 25. Decreases the spread of germs.
- 1. Nurses or other professionals witness the patient's signature for this.
- 2. Elderly patients are at greater risk.
- 3. Identifies what risk there are and what steps need to be taken.
- 4. What information in the patient's history is relevant?
- 5. What current findings need to be exchanged?
- 8. Not only harmful to patients, but to the hospital.
- 9. Used as a last resort.
- 12. A blood infection associated started with a certain port.
- 13. Name for the red/orange label for bad equipment.
- 17. Is the expected standard for all areas using hand-held scanners.
- 18. Lead the list of healthcare associated conditions for patients, guest, and staff.
- 20. Use before and after gloving,between patients,etc.
- 22. Never leave this line blank, put NKA.