  1. 6. One of the most common HAI's.
  2. 7. Never to be turned off.
  3. 10. Patients can be allergic to this type of glove.
  4. 11. These type of threats exist in health care.
  5. 14. What is the purpose for exchanging information?
  6. 15. What should never be forgotten in SBAR?
  7. 16. Another name for the catheter tube.
  8. 19. Our cultural safety depends upon this.
  9. 21. At this time, a complete list of all medicines to be continued is generated.
  10. 23. A patient's bed needs to have some degree of..
  11. 24. Name bands and ID are known as..
  12. 25. Decreases the spread of germs.
  1. 1. Nurses or other professionals witness the patient's signature for this.
  2. 2. Elderly patients are at greater risk.
  3. 3. Identifies what risk there are and what steps need to be taken.
  4. 4. What information in the patient's history is relevant?
  5. 5. What current findings need to be exchanged?
  6. 8. Not only harmful to patients, but to the hospital.
  7. 9. Used as a last resort.
  8. 12. A blood infection associated started with a certain port.
  9. 13. Name for the red/orange label for bad equipment.
  10. 17. Is the expected standard for all areas using hand-held scanners.
  11. 18. Lead the list of healthcare associated conditions for patients, guest, and staff.
  12. 20. Use before and after gloving,between patients,etc.
  13. 22. Never leave this line blank, put NKA.