sea floor spreading continental drift

  1. 1. The person who discovered seafloor spreading.
  2. 3. The theory that stated all continents were once connected but have since separated.
  3. 4. ___________ shaped rocks that help prove sea-floor spreading.
  4. 6. What evidence was found in warm climate areas proving continental drift has occurred.
  5. 9. The process that happens at a trench where one plate sinks beneath the other.
  6. 11. The tool that helped map out the mid ocean ridge.
  7. 13. The name of the supercontinent that existed 300 million years ago.
  1. 2. The process of new sea floor being created at the mid ocean ridge and recycled through subduction at deep ocean trenches.
  2. 5. A long chain of underwater mountains and volcanoes where magma comes out and becomes new sea floor.
  3. 7. South America and this continent are getting further away from each other each year.
  4. 8. The further away from the ridge the _________ the rock.
  5. 10. What was found in Antarctica to help prove the theory of continental drift?
  6. 12. The person who came up with the theory of continental drift.