Sea of Trolls Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. what don't berserkers have that help them defeat trolls?
  2. 4. The Holy Isle was burned by who?
  3. 5. Grave fish is what in Saxon?
  4. 9. What kind of ship has 12- oars?
  5. 10. What was the crows name before Bold Heart?
  6. 12. Which of Olaf's wives are different?
  7. 14. What is King Ivar'r boat called?
  8. 15. Jack becomes a real _____.
  9. 16. Fame never _____.
  10. 19. What creature can read minds?
  11. 20. The bard invited him to _____.
  1. 1. Jack's father wanted to be a _____.
  2. 3. What is seider?
  3. 6. Olaf wanted Jack to write a _____.
  4. 7. Who is the god of dirty tricks?
  5. 8. What did jack name the crow?
  6. 11. Lucy thinks she is a what?
  7. 13. Thorgil has _____ for friends.
  8. 17. Lucy's _____ escaped.
  9. 18. Thorgil is a what?