Seasons 1

  1. 3. The season between winter and summer, characterized by blooming flowers and warmer temperatures.
  2. 4. The flowering of plants, especially trees, often seen during the spring season.
  3. 7. Bright sunlight and warm weather that often occurs during the spring and summer seasons.
  4. 9. The quality or state of being warm, often felt during the summer season.
  5. 11. The transition or alteration from one season to another, marked by noticeable differences in weather and nature.
  6. 12. The season between summer and winter, also known as fall, characterized by falling leaves and cooler temperatures.
  7. 13. A gentle wind, often associated with the spring and summer seasons.
  8. 14. The coldest season of the year, characterized by snow, low temperatures, and shorter days.
  1. 1. A thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing.
  2. 2. Water falling from the sky in the form of droplets, typically associated with the spring and autumn seasons.
  3. 3. The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days and higher temperatures.
  4. 5. The flat, typically green structures attached to the stems of trees and plants, which often change color and fall during autumn.
  5. 6. Frozen water vapor that falls as white flakes and covers the ground in winter.
  6. 8. A cold or chilly feeling in the air, commonly experienced during the winter season.
  7. 10. The gathering of crops or fruits, typically occurring during the autumn season.