
  1. 2. Solstice: Shortest day of the year
  2. 4. The tilt of Earth's axis is always pointing towards this
  3. 6. When the Fall Equinox occurs
  4. 10. solstice Longest day of the year
  5. 11. When the Summer solstice happens
  6. 12. The 23.5 __ of the Earth causes seasons
  7. 13. A regular change in temperature that repeats itself every year
  1. 1. When the Winter Solstice occurs
  2. 3. Earth takes 365 to complete a __ around the sun
  3. 5. The imaginary line around which the Earth spins
  4. 7. 2 days of the year where nighttime and daytime are equal
  5. 8. When the Spring equinox occurs
  6. 9. Spinning of Earth on its axis