
  1. 2. Season A time when crops are ready for gathering, symbolizing abundance and productivity.
  2. 5. Autumn The latter part of autumn, marked by falling leaves and cooler temperatures.
  3. 7. The warmest season marked by longer days, high temperatures, and outdoor activities.
  4. 8. Spring The initial phase of spring, with the first signs of blossoming flowers and warmer days.
  5. 10. Summer A period of unseasonably warm and dry weather that occurs in late autumn.
  6. 12. The middle of summer, characterized by peak temperatures and longer daylight hours.
  7. 14. Season The timeframe when plants thrive and grow, usually associated with warmer temperatures.
  1. 1. The transitional period before winter, with cooler temperatures and preparations for colder weather.
  2. 3. A season of falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and vibrant colors in nature.
  3. 4. Season A period when snowfall is common, covering landscapes in a blanket of white.
  4. 6. Season A period with reduced rainfall, often associated with dry and arid conditions.
  5. 7. A season characterized by blooming flowers, warmer weather, and the return of greenery.
  6. 9. The coldest season with snowfall, shorter days, and a sense of coziness indoors.
  7. 11. Season A period of increased rainfall, bringing nourishment to plants and a fresh atmosphere.
  8. 13. A season marked by heavy rains, prevalent in certain regions with a specific climate.