
  1. 2. Season The dry season is a period with minimal rainfall, leading to dry and arid conditions. It is common in some regions and can impact agriculture and water resources.
  2. 5. Nights Chilly nights are characterized by cool temperatures after sunset, creating a crisp and invigorating atmosphere. They are common during fall and winter.
  3. 7. Season The snowy season is marked by the presence of snow, transforming landscapes into a winter wonderland. It provides opportunities for snow-related activities.
  4. 8. Summer is a season of warmth and sunshine, perfect for outdoor activities like swimming, picnics, and vacations. It is a time when nature is in full bloom.
  5. 10. Evenings Warm evenings are a time when temperatures remain comfortable after sunset, providing an enjoyable atmosphere for outdoor activities and socializing.
  6. 12. Days Sunny days are characterized by clear skies, abundant sunlight, and warmth. They are perfect for outdoor adventures, relaxation, and enjoying nature.
  7. 13. Colors Changing colors refer to the transformation of leaves, flowers, or landscapes into different hues, creating a visually striking and dynamic environment.
  8. 14. Breezes Cool breezes are gentle winds that bring a refreshing and pleasant coolness to the air. They often accompany the transition between seasons.
  1. 1. Season Harvest season is a time when crops are ready for gathering, symbolizing the culmination of hard work in agriculture. It is a time of abundance and celebration.
  2. 3. Season The rainy season is a period when frequent rain showers occur, nourishing the earth and promoting lush greenery. It can be a refreshing and cozy time indoors.
  3. 4. Season Blossom season refers to the time when flowers bloom in abundance, creating a visually stunning display of colors and fragrances. It is a magical and fleeting time.
  4. 6. Winter is a season characterized by cold temperatures and, in many places, snowfall. It brings opportunities for winter sports and the festive atmosphere of holidays.
  5. 8. Spring is a season of renewal and growth when flowers bloom, and trees regain their leaves. It brings warmer temperatures and vibrant colors to the environment.
  6. 9. Monsoon is a weather phenomenon associated with heavy rainfall, often occurring in tropical regions. It plays a crucial role in agriculture and water supply.
  7. 11. Fall, also known as autumn, is a season of change marked by falling leaves, cooler temperatures, and harvest celebrations. It offers a picturesque landscape with colorful foliage.