
  1. 2. This invisible line runs through the North and South poles of the Earth
  2. 6. Daytime and nightime are almost exactly 12 hours each here
  3. 7. The United States is located in the _____ hemisphere
  4. 8. Australia is located in the ____ hemisphere
  5. 9. The path that the planets make when going around our sun
  6. 12. This season is in-between Summer and Winter
  7. 13. This season has the longest day of the year
  1. 1. The shortest day of the year is on the _____
  2. 3. The name for the amount of time it takes the Earth to travel around the sun
  3. 4. This season is warm in the Southern Hemisphere
  4. 5. There are two of these, during Spring and Fall
  5. 8. This season is in-between Winter and Summer
  6. 10. The Earth's ____ is 23.5°.
  7. 11. The name for the amount of time it takes the Earth to rotate once