
  1. 4. Characterized by rain or a lot of rainfall, often accompanied by cloudy skies and wet conditions.
  2. 5. The process of flowers opening up and blooming, usually associated with the arrival of spring.
  3. 7. The gathering or collection of crops, fruits, or vegetables that have reached maturity and are ready for consumption.
  4. 9. The coldest season of the year, marked by low temperatures, shorter days, and often accompanied by snow or freezing conditions.
  5. 10. The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days, higher temperatures, and outdoor activities.
  6. 12. The process of snowflakes falling from the sky and accumulating on the ground, usually associated with winter.
  7. 14. A thin, white layer of ice that forms on surfaces when the temperature drops below freezing point, often seen in winter mornings.
  1. 1. Having a lot of sunlight and few or no clouds in the sky, creating a bright and warm atmosphere.
  2. 2. The gathering or collection of crops, fruits, or vegetables that have reached maturity and are ready for consumption.
  3. 3. Feeling cold or cool, but not extremely cold, often associated with the onset of autumn or winter.
  4. 6. The movement of animals from one region to another in search of food, better climate, or breeding grounds, often observed during certain seasons.
  5. 8. The season between summer and winter when leaves change color and fall from trees, and the weather becomes cooler.
  6. 10. The season between winter and summer when flowers bloom, trees regain their leaves, and the weather becomes warmer.
  7. 11. The act of sowing seeds or planting young plants in the ground, often done in spring to ensure growth and cultivation.
  8. 13. Having a gentle or light wind blowing, creating a pleasant and refreshing sensation.