
  1. 5. the coldest season of the year, between autumn and spring
  2. 6. ​the 1st month of the year, between December and February
  3. 7. the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes colder
  4. 10. the fifth month of the year, between April and June
  5. 11. the 8th month of the year, between July and September
  6. 13. the season between winter and summer when plants begin to grow
  7. 15. the 11th month of the year, between October and December
  8. 16. the 3rd month of the year, between February and April
  9. 17. the fourth month of the year, between March and May
  1. 1. small soft white pieces (called flakes) of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather
  2. 2. 25 December, the day when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ
  3. 3. the 9th month of the year, between August and October
  4. 4. the 7th month of the year, between June and August
  5. 6. the 6th month of the year, between May and July
  6. 8. the 10th month of the year, between September and November
  7. 9. the 12th and last month of the year
  8. 12. the 2nd month of the year, between January and March
  9. 13. the warmest season of the year, coming between spring and autumn
  10. 14. an imaginary old man with red clothes and a long white beard. Parents tell small children that he brings them presents at Christmas.