
  1. 3. It's the third month of the year, which marks the beginning of spring.
  2. 5. It's the twelfth month of the year, which marks the beginning of winter and includes holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve.
  3. 6. It's the sixth month of the year, which marks the beginning of summer.
  4. 7. It's the fifth month of the year, which is part of spring.
  5. 9. It's the seventh month of the year, which is part of summer.
  6. 11. It's a season when it snows and the weather is cold. People often wear warm clothes and celebrate holidays like Christmas.
  7. 13. It's the fourth month of the year, which is part of spring.
  8. 15. It's the second month of the year, which is part of winter.
  1. 1. It's a season when the leaves on trees change color and fall, and the weather becomes cooler.
  2. 2. It's a season when the weather is hot, and people often go swimming or have vacations.
  3. 4. It's the tenth month of the year, which is part of autumn.
  4. 6. It's the first month of the year, which is part of winter.
  5. 8. It's the eighth month of the year, which is part of summer.
  6. 10. It's the ninth month of the year, which marks the beginning of autumn.
  7. 12. It's the eleventh month of the year, which is part of autumn.
  8. 14. It's a season when flowers bloom and the weather gets warmer after winter.