
  1. 4. A measure of how hot or cold the air or environment is, often expressed in degrees.
  2. 6. The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days and higher temperatures.
  3. 8. The coldest season of the year, often associated with snow and shorter days.
  4. 9. Change The transition between different seasons, marked by changes in weather and nature.
  5. 11. Foods Foods that are typically harvested or enjoyed during specific seasons, like watermelon in summer or pumpkin in autumn.
  6. 13. Fun Enjoying recreational activities outside, such as hiking, picnicking, or playing sports.
  7. 14. Hours The number of hours of daylight in a day, which varies throughout the year.
  8. 15. Forecast A prediction of the weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind, for a specific time and place.
  1. 1. The clothing and attire suitable for a particular season's weather conditions.
  2. 2. Activities Activities and traditions associated with specific seasons, such as skiing in winter or swimming in summer.
  3. 3. Changes Observing how plants, animals, and landscapes transform during different seasons.
  4. 5. The two times each year when day and night are approximately equal in length.
  5. 7. The two times each year when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky.
  6. 10. The season that comes after winter and before summer, known for blooming flowers and warming temperatures.
  7. 12. The season that comes after summer and before winter, known for falling leaves and cooler temperatures.