
  1. 1. Season A period when flowers bloom in abundance, typically in spring.
  2. 4. Season The warm season when people visit the beach for relaxation and water activities.
  3. 7. Season A seasonal wind pattern that brings heavy rain, common in South Asia.
  4. 11. Season A period when birds and animals travel to different regions for breeding or better conditions.
  5. 12. The coldest season characterized by snow, ice, and shorter daylight hours.
  6. 13. The season when leaves change color and fall from the trees. Also known as fall.
  7. 14. Season A time when crops are ripe and ready for harvest, often in late summer or autumn.
  8. 15. Season A period with minimal rainfall, often leading to drought conditions.
  1. 2. The season when flowers bloom, and trees regain their leaves after winter.
  2. 3. Season A season with heavy rainfall, often leading to lush green landscapes.
  3. 5. Season A period when hurricanes are more likely to occur, typically in late summer and early fall.
  4. 6. Season A time when plants release pollen, leading to seasonal allergies.
  5. 8. The warmest season with longer daylight hours, ideal for outdoor activities.
  6. 9. Season A season when snowfall is common, creating a winter wonderland.
  7. 10. Season A time when tornadoes are more frequent, often in spring and early summer.