
  1. 2. the third season of the year
  2. 3. 365 days (12 months)
  3. 6. 24 hours
  4. 7. the warmest season of the year
  5. 9. the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object
  6. 11. the imaginary line on which earth orbits on
  7. 12. the coldest season of the year
  8. 14. earth source of energy
  9. 15. when the night or day is longer
  1. 1. North Star
  2. 4. imaginary line separating the earth into hemispheres
  3. 5. weather conditions over a long period of time
  4. 7. the season after winter and before summer
  5. 8. four divisions of the year identified by weather patterens
  6. 10. when the hours in the day and night are equal
  7. 13. what causes seasons