Seasons and Weather

  1. 1. This happens when the temperature drops below freezing, covering surfaces with ice.
  2. 4. A circular, bright object in the sky during the day.
  3. 6. The season known for flowers blooming and warmer weather.
  4. 8. A weather phenomenon where ice pellets fall from the sky.
  5. 9. You wear this to stay warm in winter.
  6. 11. The season when it gets colder and darker, and animals begin to hibernate.
  7. 13. The season when leaves fall from the trees.
  8. 14. A fluffy, white object that floats in the sky and brings rain or snow.
  9. 15. A type of precipitation that falls as frozen water crystals.
  10. 16. A small, icy precipitation that falls in winter, smaller than hail.
  11. 17. A colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain.
  12. 18. A weather condition with strong winds, often accompanied by rain.
  1. 2. A form of precipitation that falls as water droplets.
  2. 3. A weather condition with very little moisture in the air, often occurring in deserts.
  3. 5. You wear this to protect yourself from the rain.
  4. 7. A weather condition with extremely strong winds, often dangerous.
  5. 10. A weather condition with loud noise and flashes of light in the sky.
  6. 11. A cool breeze often felt on summer evenings.
  7. 12. You use this to measure the temperature outside.
  8. 18. A season known for hot weather and sunshine.