Seasons, Months, Day and Time of Day

  1. 4. Christmas month
  2. 6. The last month of school
  3. 8. fall
  4. 9. We eat Turkey this month
  5. 10. spring
  6. 13. 21
  7. 16. We celebrate New Years this month
  8. 19. 33
  9. 22. 56
  10. 24. The last month of summer break
  11. 26. winter
  12. 28. May
  13. 29. Friday
  14. 30. A huge German festival is this month
  15. 31. March
  16. 32. Tuesday
  17. 33. Sunday
  18. 34. 22
  19. 35. weekend (with article)
  20. 36. night
  1. 1. Wednesday
  2. 2. evening
  3. 3. 67
  4. 5. morning
  5. 7. 95
  6. 11. Valentines Day is this month
  7. 12. 74
  8. 14. April
  9. 15. 49
  10. 16. America celebrates Independence this month
  11. 17. afternoon
  12. 18. school starts
  13. 20. Thursday
  14. 21. 100
  15. 23. noon
  16. 25. Saturday
  17. 27. summer
  18. 31. Monday
  19. 32. Tuesday