
  1. 6. breeze originating from the land going to the sea
  2. 7. surrounds the earth near the equator in a circular pattern
  3. 9. occurs when the moon passes through the earths penumbral shadow
  4. 10. solstice the nighttime is longer than daytime
  5. 11. where humans live
  6. 12. is a huge collection of gas,dust,and billions of star
  7. 15. less exposure from the sun
  8. 18. same length of day and night
  9. 19. a type of an eclipse when the moons shadow is projected on the earths surface
  10. 20. a result of massive amount of sea breeze
  11. 21. the coldest planet in the solar system
  12. 25. the first planet found with the aid of the telescope
  13. 26. the largest planet in the solar system
  14. 27. breeze originating from the sea that develops in the land near the coasts
  15. 28. the hottest planet in the solar system
  1. 1. also known as annular-total solar
  2. 2. occurs when the moon is near apogee
  3. 3. occur when the moon obscures only some portion of the sun
  4. 4. second largest planet in the solar system
  5. 5. more exposure from the sun
  6. 8. a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust
  7. 13. is a small rocky body in the outer space
  8. 14. occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the earth and obscures the sun completely
  9. 16. is an astronomic phenomenon that creates a shadow on either moon,sun,and/or earth
  10. 17. change in weather and is considered as division of the whole year patterned in weather
  11. 20. planet that is close to the sun
  12. 22. the red planet
  13. 23. a type of an eclipse where the earths shadow is projected on the moon
  14. 24. solstice the day is longer than nighttime
  15. 29. is the star in the middle of the solar system