Seattle Grace

  1. 3. What fruit do Brad and Issy both have in tattoo form?
  2. 5. Where are Brad and Issy going on their honeymoon?
  3. 7. Brad and Issy have animals which they use as nicknames. What is Issy's? Hint - its in this room wearing a hat.
  4. 9. McDreamy?
  5. 10. Which GBK special was Brad obsessed with?
  1. 1. What Hogwarts house are Brad and Issy in?
  2. 2. What nationality is Brad affectionately know as? (despite having nothing to do with the country)
  3. 4. Where did Issy and Brad first go on holiday together?
  4. 6. What is Brad's middle name?
  5. 8. Whats the first word of the show that your table name is from?