Secondary 5 Global History Pre-Assessment

  1. 2. Famous Italian Fascist leader
  2. 5. An ideology conceived by German philosopher Karl Marx
  3. 6. Leader of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis
  4. 9. Russian leader that aided the Russian state in shifting away from Communism
  5. 10. War that occurred right after World War 2, effectively signalling the beginning of the cold war
  6. 11. Egyptian leader defeated by Israeli troops in the Six-Day War
  1. 1. American president that gave the orders to drop the first nuclear weapons
  2. 2. Leader of the American civil rights movement
  3. 3. The first city to be bombed with an atomic weapon
  4. 4. Political party responsible for bringing Communism to Russia
  5. 7. Racist system of segregation in South Africa that leader Nelson Mandela fought hard to abolish
  6. 8. Famous Chinese Communist leader
  7. 9. Leader of India when it was partitioned into two separate states in 1947