Secondary School

  1. 2. We are learning the language of France.
  2. 6. We read books in English
  3. 8. (Three words-In Spanish)We read books in Spanish
  4. 11. We improve our Speaking
  5. 12. We read a lot, we learn vocabulary, we write, and we have a Glossary!
  6. 13. (In Spanish) We make calculations
  1. 1. (Three words-In Spanish) We learn about the world, our context, our duties and rights
  2. 2. (Two words-In Spanish) We learn chemistry
  3. 3. (In Spanish) We are learning about the events of countries and continents.
  4. 4. (In Spanish) We learn about mountains and rivers and about the Earth
  5. 5. (in Spanish) We learn to use a computer
  6. 7. We learn about living organisms
  7. 9. (in Spanish) We discuss ideas
  8. 10. We learn about tenses in English, for example