Secondary Spelling List 6

  1. 4. ladrón
  2. 6. the past of think
  3. 7. gritó
  4. 9. condesa
  5. 11. antorcha
  6. 16. the past of sweep
  7. 17. estornudó
  8. 18. the past of steal
  1. 1. brujas
  2. 2. vampiro
  3. 3. regalos
  4. 5. enemigos
  5. 8. desaparecer
  6. 10. crueldad
  7. 11. the past of fall
  8. 12. atrapó
  9. 13. castillo
  10. 14. the past of sit
  11. 15. the past of feel
  12. 17. conjuro