Seconde in the British Section

  1. 3. Head of Lycée Library services, Mrs.?
  2. 4. One of our English teachers in seconde, Ms.?
  3. 6. History-Geography Teacher, Ms.?
  4. 8. The personal research project for the BFI that you’ll start preparing for in Seconde
  5. 10. The first place to go if you need help.
  6. 12. Head of IGCSE and one of our English teachers in Seconde, Ms.?
  7. 14. On the front desk of the Section Office is Mrs.?
  8. 15. Head of History-Geography, Mr.?
  9. 16. Deputy Director and History-Geography Teacher, Mr.?
  1. 1. Head of Pastoral Care in the Lycée and History-Geography Teacher, Mr.?
  2. 2. Where you will find the library
  3. 3. The company who operate the boat tour today
  4. 5. One of our English teachers in seconde, Mr.?
  5. 7. Head of English, Ms.?
  6. 9. French icon confusing fewer to life
  7. 10. What we are aiming for at the end of Terminale
  8. 11. Director of the British Section and History-Geography Teacher, Mr.?
  9. 13. Librarian with a focus on Seconde, Ms.?