Section 2: Criminal Destiny

  1. 4. disturbed and upset
  2. 5. talk intended to seem important or threatening but which is not taken seriously and has little effect
  3. 7. having no effect or achieving no useful result; pointless
  4. 9. impatient and unable to keep still
  5. 12. in a skilled smart, or quick way
  1. 1. Amber escaped from the police out of a third-floor window using a ___________.
  2. 2. Amber was taken to Denver’s _________ Six police station.
  3. 3. the mouth of a fierce, frightening animal; something that seems to surround and absorb everything near it
  4. 6. in a way that continues without any possibility of being stopped
  5. 8. Amber says there’s no time like the __________ for doing the right thing.
  6. 10. The kids used a computer at an internet cafe called Bites and ______.
  7. 11. Amber escaped from the police out of a third-floor window at the ________ Arts building.