Section 5-1 Prenatal Development

  1. 2. the part that dilates during delivery
  2. 5. a fertilized egg
  3. 6. the tissue in the uterus of a pregnant women
  4. 7. long cord that carries food and oxygen to the baby
  5. 10. physical change that takes place before the baby is born
  6. 11. developing baby from about the 3rd to 8th week of pregnancy
  7. 12. male cell needed for reproduction
  8. 14. liquid that surrounds and protects the baby
  9. 19. feeding a baby with milk from her breast
  10. 20. developing baby from about the 8th to 9th week of pregnancy
  1. 1. nausea in pregnancy for the first few months
  2. 3. union of the sperm and ovum
  3. 4. when a woman bleeds once a month
  4. 8. female cell or egg needed for reproduction
  5. 9. strong kicks such as thumps and bumps some may be visible
  6. 13. two weeks into pregnancy egg is about this size
  7. 15. irregular contractions
  8. 16. an organ in a women's body where the baby is developing during pregnancy
  9. 17. when the fetus drops into the pelvis
  10. 18. a tube where the egg travels from the ovaries to the uterus