Section One

  1. 4. Adventurer, word also means fine, paradoxes
  2. 6. Adventurer, sneaking behind, can cover
  3. 8. from wonderland, British and not British
  4. 9. fish creatures, some good some bad
  5. 12. fish creature we found in wonderland
  6. 13. One of the siblings, the brother
  7. 18. Things we have been playing, musically
  8. 19. Keeps breaking on the Wagon
  9. 20. slender tree, moves back and forth
  1. 1. big tree, grumpy
  2. 2. How to break multa
  3. 3. power given by Queen of Hearts
  4. 5. Place we go for weird items
  5. 7. Adventurer, common in all European languages
  6. 10. One of the siblings, the sister
  7. 11. Adventurer, full name means "divine peace"
  8. 14. Adventurer, used for divination
  9. 15. year of
  10. 16. is all and nothing
  11. 17. Adventurer, new hero, cool text