
  1. 4. An offence that can be summary or indictable?
  2. 5. Section 494 of the Criminal Code of Canada deals with ________ arrest authority?
  3. 9. When a person does not leave, after directed to do so, the person would considered to be __________
  4. 11. Touch someone without consent, Intentionally, either directly or indirectly
  5. 12. What does 10-4 mean?
  6. 13. Surveillance from a place hidden from view is what type of Surveillance?
  7. 15. Evidence of prior bad acts is __________ __________ evidence (2 words)
  8. 19. A minor offence under the Criminal Code of Canada
  9. 20. Without colour of right if you convert something to your own use it is considered ______?
  10. 21. __________________ Laws are also called By-laws
  11. 22. Level of Government that operates the OPP?
  12. 25. A witness on the stand is giving what type of evidence?
  13. 26. PIPEDA is a __________ act
  14. 27. who's responsibility is safety in the workplace?
  15. 29. a wrong against society
  1. 1. Under the Criminal Code of Canada the offence when a fire is deliberately set?
  2. 2. a serious offernce
  3. 3. section 10 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms deals with rights upon ___________
  4. 6. Fingerprints, Hair Samples, and Mineral Samples are considered what type of evidence?
  5. 7. what does "Z" stand for in the Phonetic Alphabet?
  6. 8. Section 494 1 (a) says anyone can arrest if they ___________ an Indictable Offence (2 words)
  7. 10. Class C fires involve _______________ equipment
  8. 14. only the police can _______________
  9. 16. term for evidence that is allowed in a trail or hearing
  10. 17. A trail within a trail
  11. 18. Who determines what evidence will be allowed in court?
  12. 22. The act that regulates security guards in Ontario?
  13. 23. all security guards shall act with honesty and ____________
  14. 24. The police officers are __________ officers
  15. 28. under the LLA (Liquor License Act) you can not arrest, you can only ____________