Seeing Stars

  1. 4. Patterns of stars.
  2. 7. Another name for Canis Major.
  3. 8. The coolest stars are this color.
  4. 10. The color of the sun.
  5. 11. The name of NASA's telescope.
  6. 13. The Big Dipper is part of this constellation.
  7. 14. The Big Dipper is shaped like this.
  1. 1. The name of our galaxy.
  2. 2. NASA believes there are this many stars.
  3. 3. Who named constellations after animals, shapes, and characters from mythology.
  4. 5. What tool helps astronomers see stars?
  5. 6. Which constellation is named after a hunter from Greek mythology?
  6. 9. What star is the closest to Earth?
  7. 12. The color of the star with the hottest temperature.