Self Reliance

  1. 2. Produces or gives
  2. 7. Helping others; or an organization that does so
  3. 9. Developed, grown, or prepared for growing crops
  4. 10. Improvement
  5. 12. Things possessed
  6. 13. Connects or fits together by being equivalent, proportionate, or matched
  7. 14. Behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
  8. 15. Hinder (make more difficult, or less valuable, hold back, or weigh down)
  9. 17. Disrespect or reject as not good enough
  10. 18. Give in, give way, or give up
  11. 19. The desire to hurt others or see them suffer
  1. 1. Things that exists or happened — often of special interest
  2. 3. A belief (or system of beliefs or principles) accepted as authoritative by some group
  3. 4. Increased by a series of additions
  4. 5. Notable difference
  5. 6. Someone or something that, without invitation, inserts itself
  6. 8. Challenged, argued about, or fought over
  7. 11. People who live or lived at the same time
  8. 13. Normal or typical
  9. 16. Anger