
  1. 2. icy coating that forms when temps go below freezing
  2. 5. month winter officially begins
  3. 7. warm drink made from cocoa powder and milk
  4. 8. falls from the sky in the form of frozen ice crystals
  5. 9. worn to keep hands warm
  6. 12. frozen formation resembling a large spike and usually hangs
  7. 13. Name the popular hot spings
  8. 16. the type of precipitation that falls as almost frozen raindrops
  9. 18. largest lake in Selwyn
  10. 19. term used for frozen particles that fall gently from the sky
  11. 20. a lake that freezes over in winter and used for ice skating
  12. 21. average temperature in Selwyn during winter
  1. 1. name of national park
  2. 3. activity done on frozen lake
  3. 4. also worn to keep hands warm
  4. 6. scenic river
  5. 10. warm head covering
  6. 11. a small hill or mound of snow
  7. 14. town known for vibrant ski culture and alpine scenery
  8. 15. protective eyewear to shield the eyes from snow glare
  9. 16. something you can knit to wear around your neck t stay warm
  10. 17. Town renowned for winter arts festival