Semester 1 Review

  1. 2. An immigration station for Asian Immigrants. Located in California. Very strict.
  2. 7. Exaggerated stories to lure Americans to support a war and to buy newspapers. Was a reason for the start of the Spanish-American War.
  3. 9. people who tried to fix America's problems. Included prohibitionists, civil rights activists, labor unions, suffragettes, and muckrakers.
  4. 10. Strong countries trying to become empires by extending political, military, economic, nationalistic, and humanitarian control over weaker territories.
  5. 11. Alliance which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.
  6. 14. The Golden Age of America. A time of apparent prosperity, but corrupt underneath.
  7. 16. The banning of alcoholic drinks.
  8. 18. policy of staying away from the affairs of other countries and staying neutral.
  9. 19. Men who owned monopolies. Gained wealth through questionable tactics like exploitation of workers by giving them low wages and the government by buying their influence.
  10. 21. Belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
  11. 22. A process that enables citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing proposed statutes and, in some states, constitutional amendments on the ballet.
  12. 23. Women who desired independence because of the 19th amendment and who were symbolizing "rebelling" against the previous generation.
  13. 24. The cost a defeated country must pay to the winning countries for some of their war costs.
  1. 1. People purchasing stock only had to pay for 10% of the stock's actual value at time of purchase and the balance was paid at a later date.
  2. 3. Natural disaster through the 1930s of a drought, high winds, and dust. Destroyed all crops and prevented the use of farm land for years.
  3. 4. Favoritism to native born Americans. Anti-immigrants.
  4. 5. An organization involving multiple countries designed to settle conflicts. Most important part of the Fourteen Points for Wilson.
  5. 6. Giving up one's own culture and traditions to become more like another. Forced or voluntary.
  6. 8. The plan to put the country back together after the Civil War and fix the South after Sherman's March.
  7. 12. Act declaring that all men aged 21-30 had to register for the draft. Almost three million men were called for duty.
  8. 13. Hysteria about the evils of communism and anarchy.
  9. 15. End of the class system; no rich or poor. All property is common, actual ownership is given to the community or to the government.
  10. 17. Combat in which opposing troops fight from complex holes in the ground facing each other. Most common warfare in WWI.
  11. 20. Alliance which included Russia, France, and Great Britain.