Semester 1 Review

  1. 2. in the debates, you needed eye _______
  2. 5. why the Old Man was killed in "The Tell-Tale Heart"
  3. 6. what they went back in time to shoot in "A Sound of Thunder"
  4. 9. Edgar Allan _____
  5. 11. we write descriptions using sensory ________
  6. 12. when talking about characters, we rode the ____ Bus
  7. 16. name of the story where the town kills the "winner"
  8. 17. rhetorical device that shows logic
  9. 18. each essay and debate starts with a _______
  10. 21. we found a site's reliability using a _____ Sheet.
  11. 22. last name of the killer in "And Then There Were None"
  12. 23. giving hints about future events
  1. 1. number of people on the island at the beginning of "And Then There Were None"
  2. 3. the moral or message of a story
  3. 4. name of the last surviving female in "And Then There Were None"
  4. 5. first step in plot structure
  5. 7. the last sentence in an introduction is called a ______
  6. 8. rhetorical device that shows emotion
  7. 10. in a debate, when you mention the other side's argument, it's called a ________
  8. 13. name of the boy in "The Landlady"
  9. 14. way you found evidence for the debates
  10. 15. most exciting part of the story
  11. 19. when characters talk to each other
  12. 20. the opposite of fiction
  13. 24. rhetorical device that shows credibility