Semester 1 Review

  1. 4. Abbreviation for number of deaths among infants younger than one your of age in a population
  2. 6. English economist who predicted a societal collapse
  3. 8. the ability of a state to carry out actions or policies within its boundaries without outside interference
  4. 11. historic process where countries extended cultural, military, and economic force
  5. 14. Abbreviation for number of births in a given population per one thousand people
  6. 16. how a cultural trait spreads
  7. 17. the decline in likelihood of interaction with increasing distance
  8. 18. Pro-_______ policies encourage births among a population EX: $1,000 bonus for having a child
  9. 20. cultural hearth of Judaism
  10. 21. Abbreviation for number of deaths in a given population per one thousand people
  11. 22. a state that breaks down through conflicts among its ethnic & cultural groups
  12. 24. factor which encourages migration into a place
  13. 26. cultural/political force that divides a state or group of people
  14. 27. difference levels of analysis
  1. 1. average number of years a person can expect to live
  2. 2. interconnectedness of the whole world
  3. 3. "bridging language"
  4. 5. _______laws of migration
  5. 7. A religion that appeals to all people, not a specific cultural group
  6. 9. "The South"
  7. 10. Ex: Japan, Iceland, Denmark
  8. 12. factor which encourage migration out of a place
  9. 13. Too many people for the land to support
  10. 15. Large scale emigration by talented/educated people
  11. 17. Abbreviation for model that shows change in a country's birth and death rates over time
  12. 19. cultural hearth of Hinduism
  13. 23. largest stateless nation
  14. 25. practices, beliefs, and material items associated with a certain group of people