Semester Exam Vocab Review - Some answers have more than one word, omit spaces when entering

  1. 4. The belief that Jesus is fully God and Fully human
  2. 6. Asking critical questions of the text
  3. 7. The Sense of Scripture that seeks to understand the meaning of the text, the foundational sense
  4. 10. The function of a myth that express the awe and connectedness to the sacred
  5. 11. A 5 step prayer that helps up reflect back on our day
  6. 13. St. Ignatius' method of discussion making
  7. 14. _ of God. The rule of God over the hearts and minds of people; will bring forth a new social order rooted in justice and unconditional love.
  8. 15. A feeling of disconnect from God
  9. 18. an imaginative story that uses symbols to speak about reality, but a reality that is beyond a person’s comprehension
  10. 19. The function of a myth that helps us wrap our minds around the universe
  11. 24. Doing more for God, doing more for others
  12. 26. Our call to be present and active in the world while also taking time for prayer and reflection
  13. 28. The guidance of the Holy Spirit over the human writers of the scriptures
  14. 29. The teaching that the bible is without errors in matters of faith and morals
  15. 30. The work of salvation brought about through Jesus' Passion, death, and Resurrection
  16. 32. The lifting our hearts and minds to God in praise, petition, thanksgiving, and intercession
  17. 33. A gift from God, not opposed to science
  18. 34. A collection of prayers and reflections written by St. Ignatius inspired by his time in Manresa
  1. 1. The passage of Jesus from death to life on the third day after his Crucifixion
  2. 2. Working towards long term solution of social injustices
  3. 3. The defense of human dignity by ensuring that essential human needs are met and that essential human rights are protected for all people
  4. 5. Holy Orders and Marriage are sacraments of _.
  5. 8. The key takeaway St. Ignatius had during his mystical vision at Manresa
  6. 9. Reconciliation & Penance and Anointing of the Sick are sacraments of _.
  7. 12. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are sacraments of _.
  8. 16. Pedro Arrupe's call to work for justice
  9. 17. The function of a myth that teach us how to live a full, happy life
  10. 19. A solemn agreement between human beings and God in which mutual commitments are recognized
  11. 20. Acts of service that seek to address the immediate needs of people
  12. 21. The function of a myth that support and validate a certain social order of a culture
  13. 22. The Sense of Scripture that seek to understanding the deeper meaning on issues of faith
  14. 23. The body of teaching by the Church on economic and social matters, abbreviated
  15. 25. Often depicted as a dove; the third member of the Trinity
  16. 27. For the Greater Glory of God
  17. 31. A feeling of closeness and connectedness to God