Semester Exam: Westward Expansion & Early Segregation

  1. 2. created by farmers to stop cattle ranchers from driving cattle on their land
  2. 5. African Americans were only allowed to vote if their grandfather had been able to vote.
  3. 8. connected the east coast to the west coast and allowed for the faster shipment of goods
  4. 9. The 13th amendment granted ________ to all African Americans
  5. 13. cowboys and ranchers from Mexico who taught white men how to ranch and herd cattle
  6. 14. created when there is a sudden increase in population due to the search of a valuable resource.
  7. 15. process of removing someone’s culture and heritage to make them fit into society
  8. 16. The 14th amendment granted all African Americans US -
  9. 18. 49’er were a group of young men who moved to California in search of —
  1. 1. Booker T Washington believed that the best way for African Americans to gain equality with whites was to ______ their respect.
  2. 3. used by native Americans for teepees, weapons, jewelry, and other important items.
  3. 4. Land owned by us government that was used for cattle to graze
  4. 6. group of immigrants who worked on the railroad but were attacked and discriminated against
  5. 7. Exposed the horrors of lynching
  6. 10. assimilate native Americans by teaching them to farm
  7. 11. The 15th amendment gave African Americans the right to-
  8. 12. The homestead act gave settlers land in the Great Plains and gave them ______ years to improve it.
  9. 17. a fee that African Americans were forced to pay in order to vote