Seminar 1

  1. 4. media for identification of Legionella.
  2. 5. Best antiseptic.
  3. 11. In vitro test for C.diphtheriae detection.
  4. 12. produces a "Hockey Puck" colonies.
  5. 14. streptococcus spp. that causes dental carries.
  6. 15. nitrate reduction test (-) result is confirm by adding ___.
  7. 16. resembles E.coli.
  8. 19. #2 cause of neonatal meningitis.
  9. 20. detects ability of organism to remove CArboxyl group from specific amino acid.
  10. 22. negative result for citrate utilization test.
  11. 23. the only nesseria spp. which is catalase negative.
  12. 26. epidermolytic toxin causes Ritter's disease.
  13. 28. Steam under pressure.
  14. 29. susceptible for basic fuchsin and thionine.
  15. 30. mordant for AF ziehl neelsen method.
  1. 1. has Wings of seagulls and darting motility.
  2. 2. hot method of acid fast staining.
  3. 3. also called as St. Anthony's fire.
  4. 6. metachromatic granules produced by M. tuberculosis.
  5. 7. reagent for niacin test.
  6. 8. the only Enteric bacilli which is cytochrome oxidase(+).
  7. 9. spreading factor.
  8. 10. Burkholderia spp. which produces earthy odor colonies.
  9. 13. wetting agent for kinyoun's.
  10. 17. indicator for Mac conkey agar.
  11. 18. #1 cause of neonatal meningitis.
  12. 21. Streptoccus spp.that is CAMP test positive.
  13. 24. animal pathogens.
  14. 25. fatal type of food poisoning caused by C. botulinum.
  15. 27. Bacillus spp/ which is a common lab contaminant.