Sensation and Perception

  1. 6. bony tube that contains fluids as well as neurons that move in response to the vibrations of the fluids
  2. 9. sensory receptors located around the roots of hair cells fire where the skin is touched
  3. 11. neural impulses are transmitted to the brain
  4. 12. difficulty perceiving sounds of certain frequencies caused by moderate or severe damage to the inner ear
  5. 13. originates at the point of contact and then is sent to the spinal cord, thalamus, and cerebral cortex
  6. 14. simulation of the sensory receptors and the transmission of the information to the central nervous system
  7. 15. occurs because of damage to the inner ear
  1. 1. without sensory stimulation
  2. 2. frequency or number of cycles per minute in a sound wave (high or low sound is)
  3. 3. smallest amount of stimuli which we are able to interpret
  4. 4. neurons beneath the skin that fire warm when your hot and fire cool when your cold
  5. 5. only a certain amount of information can be processed by the nervous system at a time
  6. 7. determined by the height, or amplitude,of sound waves
  7. 8. units for loudness
  8. 10. psychological process through which we interpret sensory stimulation