- 4. Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
- 6. Extreme sensitivity to sound
- 7. Reduced vision or poor eyesight
- 9. Fluids
- 10. Pertaining to hearing
- 12. Specialist in ear, nose, and throat disorders
- 15. Excessive dry eye
- 17. Pertaining to glassy
- 19. Inequality of pupil size
- 20. Double vision
- 21. Feather or outer ear flap
- 22. Right eye
- 23. MD who can prescribe lenses and determine vision problems
- 27. Inflammation of the cornea
- 29. Inflammation of the sclera
- 30. Enlargement of pupil/dilation
- 31. Contraction of the pupil of the eye
- 1. Sensitivity to light
- 2. Pertaining to the inner ear
- 3. Every night at bed
- 5. Inflammation of the eyelash follicles
- 8. Pertaining to within the eye
- 11. Inflammation of the conjunctiva
- 13. Progressive loss of hearing due to age
- 14. MD who specialized in the eye and does surgery
- 16. Production of tears
- 18. Inflammation of the tear producing gland
- 24. Incision of the ear drum
- 25. Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accomodation
- 26. Left ear
- 28. Progressive loss of eyesight due to age