Senses Medical Terminology Crossword

  1. 4. Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
  2. 6. Extreme sensitivity to sound
  3. 7. Reduced vision or poor eyesight
  4. 9. Fluids
  5. 10. Pertaining to hearing
  6. 12. Specialist in ear, nose, and throat disorders
  7. 15. Excessive dry eye
  8. 17. Pertaining to glassy
  9. 19. Inequality of pupil size
  10. 20. Double vision
  11. 21. Feather or outer ear flap
  12. 22. Right eye
  13. 23. MD who can prescribe lenses and determine vision problems
  14. 27. Inflammation of the cornea
  15. 29. Inflammation of the sclera
  16. 30. Enlargement of pupil/dilation
  17. 31. Contraction of the pupil of the eye
  1. 1. Sensitivity to light
  2. 2. Pertaining to the inner ear
  3. 3. Every night at bed
  4. 5. Inflammation of the eyelash follicles
  5. 8. Pertaining to within the eye
  6. 11. Inflammation of the conjunctiva
  7. 13. Progressive loss of hearing due to age
  8. 14. MD who specialized in the eye and does surgery
  9. 16. Production of tears
  10. 18. Inflammation of the tear producing gland
  11. 24. Incision of the ear drum
  12. 25. Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accomodation
  13. 26. Left ear
  14. 28. Progressive loss of eyesight due to age