September 13 - National Twilighters Day!

  1. 2. Who composed the musical score for Eclipse, the third film in the Twilight series?
  2. 3. Which Twilight book was adapted into two films?
  3. 5. What town in Arizona did Bella live in before moving to Washington to live with her father?
  4. 7. What brand of car does Edward drive in the books?
  5. 8. What is the vampire family patriarch's profession?
  6. 9. What is Edward's birthday month?
  7. 10. What sport do the Cullens play together?
  8. 11. What is the first name of Bella's daughter?
  9. 13. What Washington town provides the main setting for the story?
  10. 15. Which member of the Cullen clan can see the future?
  11. 16. What is the first name of Bella's father?
  12. 18. What is the name of the diner frequented by Bella and her father?
  13. 19. What is the first name of Edward's adoptive mother?
  14. 20. What is Bella's mother's new last name?
  1. 1. Who turned Edward into a vampire?
  2. 4. What class does Bella share with Edward when they first meet?
  3. 5. What is the first name of Bella's stepfather?
  4. 6. What actress plays the role of Bella Swan in the movie adaptations?
  5. 12. What actor plays Jacob Black?
  6. 14. What is the name of the tribe of werewolves in the story?
  7. 17. What is the first name of Bella's best (human) friend?