Set theory

  1. 1. Only one element are matching in both sets
  2. 5. Substraction of union and intersection
  3. 7. Large very big set
  4. 10. Number of elements are same in both set
  5. 11. Common elements in set 1 and 2
  6. 13. All possible combinations in set along with subsets
  7. 14. No elements in that set
  8. 15. Number on elements are infinite
  1. 2. Only one element in set
  2. 3. Parts of set
  3. 4. All elements in any set same in another set with extra terms
  4. 6. Number of elements are finite
  5. 8. All the elements in set 1 and 2
  6. 9. No common elements in both sets
  7. 10. Same elements in both set
  8. 12. Union minus particular set