  1. 4. Neither Tautology nor Contradiction
  2. 5. Set having common elements of A and B
  3. 7. It is always true
  4. 9. p iff q
  5. 11. If Set has n elements, what Set has 2^n elements?
  6. 14. Method of representing Set like {1,3,5}
  7. 15. Set having all elements of Set A and B
  8. 16. Number of Elements in Set
  1. 1. It is always false
  2. 2. Sets which have no mutual elements are called
  3. 3. Law which allows for p^q= q^p
  4. 6. Set having Finite Upper and Lower Bounds
  5. 8. Set having infinite Upper and Lower Bounds
  6. 10. Set with Elements in Set A but not in Set B or A-B is called
  7. 12. if all elements of A are also in B then A is ___ of B
  8. 13. Law which allows for p^(q^r)= (p^q)^r