Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tales

  1. 3. What Princess Saffy wants to be when she grows up.
  2. 6. The Saffron twins' home kingdom.
  3. 7. The castle where the nameless princess lives.
  4. 12. The fairy kingdom submarine is made out of this vegetable.
  5. 13. The longest river in Germany.
  6. 15. Helps Prince Nero rescue St. Nicholas.
  1. 1. The tollbooth castle in the middle of the Rhine river.
  2. 2. 63 divided by 9.
  3. 4. Prince Indy's home kingdom.
  4. 5. Boat that carries cargo on a river.
  5. 8. The river that connects to the Rhine river in Koblenz, Germany (Magenta Kingdom).
  6. 9. Where the nameless princess has her workshop.
  7. 10. Troublesome queen of the Blackfly Kingdom.
  8. 11. What your fairy godparent gives you.
  9. 14. North, South, East, _______.